
Who Thinks of This Stuff?!

Now-a-days, job titles include some of the most ridiculous names. “Sanitation Engineer”, “Construction Manager”, “Hygene Equipment Technician”, and my personal favorite, “Sports Aquatics Engineer” (which is code for “Water Boy”). Job titles get more complicated with each passing generation. People who have crappy jobs, (no pun intended), find ways to make their title sound more [...]

Pharmaceuticals… Consumer Friend or Foe?

Companies who produce drugs are spreading their products all over the world. Consumers are paying top dollar to get those products in order to live a better life. But are those companies consumer-friendly? I think not. I’ve heard from some people who use drugs to better their lives that drugs were being given out. Most [...]

Germ-ified World

In a world where germs are everywhere, we as a society have found ways to kill them. From dirty toilet flusher handles to water, theres something that can be used to clean up the worst germ-infested objects. For someone who has everything they will ever need to clean up the germs, VIOlight has come up [...]

Bills, Bills…. and more Bills

Have you ever actually looked at your bills lately? Cell phone bills… credit card bills… or maybe your water bill? They add ridiculous charges on your bill and slap the tag “tax” on it. Other companies aren’t that smart and just claim the extra charge as a “charge”, probing the receiver of the bill to [...]